Sunday, June 1, 2014

The Hobbit (The Animated Movie)

The Hobbit, a beloved classic by J.R.R. Tolkien. The animated movie stood out in 1977 for its advance in animation and the music was indeed unique to the period. This is way before the movies we know today and it was concise and complete in one movie. The music was done by Maury Laws who set a standard for much of the music of the time. This was a light hearted movie with no real darkness to it. I truly enjoyed seeing this when it was out to video. 

If a person wants to collect the soundtrack for this movie you would have a difficult time finding it. 
On Amazon it is Rare! Here is the Link.

I have found the full files of the soundtrack on youtube however if you would like to listen to it for your enjoyment.

I give you the intro...

Next we have another exerpt..

These clips really show how good the soundtrack was for an animated movie.

Next we have 

These all feature bits of the film and hopefully can be enjoyed.

Finally here is the last clip I provide

That is all this week. Join me next week as I review The Big Sleep. See ya then!

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